About Culture Consulting Services


Our Vision

Imagine a world where teams and leaders are not exhausted by the “people issues” that destroy so many good projects - and careers

Imagine a world where, every day, you have great workplace relationships, supported by a uniquely relationship-smart culture.

Imagine a world where everyone has a the same “checklist” of how to manage co-worker relationships - across functions, job levels, even personal styles - supported by leadership and reinforced by the culture.

Imagine a workplace where people are actually good at relationships - starting them, healing them, evolving them.

At Culture Consulting Services, that's the world we want.

Our Team

Our team is led by Marcus Stephens, author of the C FASTR(TM) model of Internal Relationship Management, which turns "healthy relationships" into a system that can be objectively measured, diagnosed, and evolved.

Marcus works with a hand-picked network of highly skilled consultants and facilitators.

Our team has extensive experience in various industries, and all are deeply committed to advancing the discipline of healthy workplace relationships.

Together, we are deeply committed to creating outstanding business performance by creating helping organizations put relationship-management skills firmly into the design of their cultures.

Studies have shown what we firmly believe: at work, relationship management matters.

Our Clients

Our clients want to create bold, legendary workplaces that people love being part of.

Our clients have seen the research and know: the key to an amazing workplace is relationships.

Sometimes our clients want Diversity Initiatives that are focused on relationship-building skills across any dimension of diversity - personality type, job function, gender, and the hardest diversity of all: opinion. They want Relationship-Based Diversity programs that offer clear and measurable value.

Most of all our clients want to win in the marketplace while creating a great place to work for their teams by designing smart cultures that stand the test of time.